Intermittent Fasting. Does It Work?

Intermittent Fasting. Does It Work?

Unlike you might think, intermittent fasting is not exactly a diet. It is an eating pattern. It is not also starving for 24 hours. By reading this article we will demystify the eating pattern.

Unlike you might think, intermittent fasting is not exactly a diet

It is an eating pattern. It is not also starving for 24 hours. We want to demystify the eating pattern Chris Hemsworth and Benedict Cumberbatch have adopted to stay fit and lean.

First, what is intermittent fasting?

This eating pattern suggests stopping eating during a significative period, to increase our body’s natural function levels to the top. Our metabolism accelerates, our insulin levels drop out, and our body’s energy levels rise to the top and therefore, you lose weight. Intermittent fasting promotes and “plays” with our body levels to facilitate and promote weight loss. It is, according to its fans, more comfortable than a restrictive diet, where we have to eat every three or four hours. As it is a pattern issue rather than an eating issue, the diet is the same as before, but we change the time we are eating.

There is more than one type of intermittent fasting “schedule”

Fasting for 12 hours:

This method implies not to eat for 12 hours and a 12-hour eating window, where you decide if you want to eat 2, 3, or more meals. It doesn’t have a perfect or the most active time of the day, but usually, people prefer to skip dinner and breakfast. As an example, your last meal would be around 7 pm, and your first meal would be at 7 am. This option is the most indicated for beginners as most of its time is spent sleeping.

Fasting for 16 hours:

With an 8-hour eating window, men spend 16 hours without eating while women spend 14 hours. Similar to the previous method, fasting for 16 hours can be complicated for people who wake up starving. If you are a person who wakes up very hungry, maybe the first method is the one that fits you best.

Fasting for two days a week:

While you’re eating according to your regular diet, during two days of the week you would apply a 500 to 600 calorie intake. On the other hand, there’s a 24-hour fasting process where you are not allowed to eat for one whole day. People on this diet plan can have water, tea, and other calorie-free drinks during the fasting period.

The Warrior Diet:

This type of diet is maybe the most extreme and different from our eating habits. The warrior diet recommends eating small amounts of food during the day and a large meal at night. Taking the assumption that humans are nocturnal eaters, the warrior diet has a four-hour eating window to eat vegetables, proteins, and healthful fats, as well as carbs. Long-term speaking, this could be the hardest fasting regime in the intermittent fasting’s plans.


● Drink a lot of water and low calories’ drinks like tea, or lemon water
● Choosing the fasting period at night is more accessible to accomplish the non-eating periods
● Don’t eat junk food or foods without “fulfillment”. Eating high-volume foods, such as vegetables, water-based fruits (melon), fibers, eggs, fish, and avocado
● Find a distraction to not overthink about food. Especially in the first week
● Use Collagen Vital Supplements as a satiety enabler

It is essential to understand that this type of eating method is not suitable for every person.

If you ever had an eating disorder, you should not invest in intermittent fasting. This would probably exacerbate your unhealthy relationship with food. Also, people with diabetes, for example, should not try this without medical supervision.

Either way, you should contact your doctor before attempting this eating method.